” Words and language are magic.” A quote from The Upside Down Boy. I believe this story is a great example of the power of books.
I began my blog journey, Creating Bookworms in 2012 creatingbookworms.blogspot.com. Teachers were first getting connected with others from all around the world. I was excited to be able to learn and connect with so many amazing educators. My love for learning creates a desire to share with others.
I have not always been a reader. As a child, I struggled learning to read. 24 years ago, I began teaching 7 year olds to read. Teaching a variety of grade levels in a few years inspired me to constantly observe, research and find ways to create bookworms in my class.
Throughout my journey, I have taught grades K-5. My experience as a mom of two boys provided me with the opportunity to experience the journeys of learning to read through their eyes.
Dolly is my golden retriever. We have been learning as a team and have become a certified therapy team. Together we will inspire others to grab a book. I look forward to seeing the impact Dolly has on little ones learning to read.
Kate DiCamillo says it best. ” Stories connect us.” My goal is to share our journey through sharing stories with others. My hope would be for you be inspired and curious about the books we share.